It is so easy at times to lapse into a place of "easy rest" a place where you actually forget what it is we are and where it is we came from.
It is with a bittersweet sadness I tell you I wrote the paragraph above on October 11th. What that tells me as I make my way back onto these pages is that I have been allowing other things to take presidence over something very important and central for me, this Blog.
This is of course not even close to the only time I have been sidetracked or even in a place where I find myself saying to the Lord, I am sorry.
I am being moved to look back to the day I was privileged to see past perhaps look through or behind the veil. Before I go forth I want you to know I tell you all of this with the deepest and most profound respect and appreciation...
When I think of that day I remember vividly every sense...sight, sound, touch, taste and of course feel... I will be as candid as I am comfortable being with this deeply personal account.
I habe resisted before but it is time apparently that I allow this part of my story to unfold as is.. it's natural inclination is is time.
It was the sixth of June in the year 2006...6/6/06 written in it's true form, many were entertained writing it differently that day, I'm reasonably sure.
I had a seizure in my home that day, a serious one. Seizures are or were for me a frequent rather than infrequent occurrence for that year and the previous year after being struck by a car as a pedestrian. A life altering event...
The ambulance arrived, I have little recollection of this other than having to help with names for someone to stay with my child, I do remember being concerned about that. The police and medical personnel were able to use my cell phone to reach someone and as they arrived I was on my way down the stairs on a stretcher.
Within minutes inside the ambulance I remember a lot of rushing about, far more than any other time and I remember knowing I was going to die. Mind you I had been through this several times prior, something was very different this particular time.
I remember an odd smell and taste and then I had another Grande Mal I lost consciousness I remember saying "please don't let me die, I have five children, one little one." The EMT's answer was "Not on my watch" but I heard something in her voice...then I vividly remember a raised voice saying something about "Tachardia"and that's all I remember for a bit...other than the sirens that sounded very far away.
When I came to again I was stacked gurney to gurney inside triage's ambulance entrance with nobody in sight...seems those numbers I mentioned brought out something especially mischievous in this hazy raining week that particular Summer.
My first thought was that perhaps I was dead...? As the minutes passed I realized I was very much alive as every bone in my body was in excruciating pain, surely this is not the hereafter I thought.
Two Grande Mal seizures back to back puts a person in grievous danger for Status Epilepticus I now know and yet there I was laying with 5-7 others not even in front of medical personnel, insanity even through my haze...
I eventually did yell out after what felt like forever, I'm sure it was more like 20 minutes? I don't know.
A very pretty but rather unsuitable nurse called an attendant over to put me somewhere so I didn't "upset anyone"...and soon I was behind a curtain where I thought perhaps I was actually being recorded as a person rather than another number in the hall. There was in a very short amount of time a young nurse trying to draw blood from my very unwilling arm, in fact I literally couldn't move it. I could feel her frustration as if it were my own and forgive the honesty, I know it's hard...I could hear many of her thoughts. She wasn't getting blood and she was afraid, there are more very private details that I will spare you for the moment as far as my body and what it was and was not doing...
I closed my eyes as I felt a warmth unlike anything I have ever felt or knew to imagine that engulfed me at that moment.
My journey was at hand...I was not shocked nor surprised, in fact I was very much at ease, happier than I had ever known.
Other than the feeling of warmth and intense comfort I was immediately very much aware of a presence, a loving and all knowing brilliant presence. I was assured immediately that I was not going anywhere although there was not a fiber of my very light being that was even contemplating it, this feeling was far too wonderful to do anything BUT bask in it.
I still today close my eyes at times and try to feel it again but of course I can't, the trying causes me to tear up at times and those are for me, moments of sheer bliss as it does cause me to feel that much closer to the Lord.
The beautiful truth is, I now live in the light of the Lord and am always aware...lapses or no lapses...he is with me and I feel it.
My eloquent messenger had never uttered a sound and yet...I was instilled with a sense of peace and a sense of knowing. I was reminded that I have a purpose and had lost track of what it was crystal clear to me that I was brought to this place to be reminded in a very concise but gentle way that I was to use my compassion and love of words and to share and teach selflessly. I had as a child wanted to go into the Peace Corps yet lacking conviction and discipline I allowed it to be pulled from my grasp.
So, back to June, I was then returned in a small moment in time by a love I could never have imagined or dreamt up. There in the room again, the nurse struggled for just a second now..the blood was flowing. As I now peed all over the stretcher {sorry} the nurse told me my color was back.
My hysterical laughter scared the heck out of this poor girl so I did my best to calm myself.
Within seconds I could hear several conversations going on all over the Emergency room and my head felt as if it was under complete attack by hand grenades! The nurses' until now unnoticeable perfume made me nauseous to the point that I did vomit, thankfully not on this shell shocked young thing....The words all over the room were blocked somewhat by what I will always know deep in my heart was some encouragement and comfort from my Mother in my left ear as my crying sister appeared in the doorway to have me announce "it's okay, I'm back!"
This is in part funny now, it was truthfully somewhat funny then in a very elated kind of way. There were absolutely no medications in my system at the time of all of this for those that may be wondering.
I don't want to veer too far from where I started so I will leave what is left for a later date. The rest of my story is not vital information after all you have just heard from me with my hand on my Bible beside me.
Some of what I am trying to convey here is just how reckless drifting away from the Lord really can be, it is something that happens to all of us. I believe that when Jesus said "all those who conspired against me" even Judas was included... GOD not only knows we will sin but expects it...he is molding us and testing us. We should if we are Christians be able to embrace these valleys or perhaps simply what seems to us to be a state of limbo...I have recently come to the conclusion that this place of confusion where nothing is seemingly happening is not limbo but the very place we are being placed so that we may pay closer attention to HIM, to go deeper into our Faith...deeper into knowing him and his desires for us.
Do not confuse temptation with testing please...God will give you what you need that you need not move beyond and into temptation, should you seek it in earnest. It is in your Bible...
See Matthew 4:1-11
Forgive me my human shortcomings as I work my way onto some very solid ground with a great deal of prayer and a deeper God given understanding of humility. I will take the time I need for prayer and continue to work very hard on a story I have started concerning the people of Rwanda.
Nothing has changed in my desire to get to Africa and minister on many levels but what I am finding is that this Blog is helping me to grow in my Faith in the degree of Truth I am able to share with you. I feel accountable to you my reader and I feel a strong desire to have you know me as a Christian and as a human being. I entered this undertaking with only the certainty that I needed to "show up" and the Lord would help me to find my course. The fact that it has turned into somewhat of a Christian blog is far from lost on me and I can only pray that among my readers there will be many of you that will draw from this something you need.
Of Rwanda, these brave and gracious survivors have overcome absolutely insurmountable odds and are edging forward thanks in large part to International aide and volunteerism. All of these people are in my prayers tonight and I would like to ask you to please pray for them as well.
Be kind to yourself and be kind to one another, we are his foot soldiers after all...
Deep Love,
2 Timothy 2:3
Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
John 15:1-8
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.