I never thought I’d see the day where apathy and panic simultaneously ruled the world…
Apathy translates itself in so many forms it must be truly pondered to allow you to even recognize it as such. Whether it be a crowded intersection that allows a blind woman to walk into moving traffic or something as simple as a door brushing your foot at a coffee shop where someone’s text message took precedence over not only your foot but a small remnant of respect taught by someone’s mother somewhere down the line.
The apathy that is allowed to bleed into a single soul eventually sears the fabric of society. Apathy causes direct pain to people that struggle hard with the depth of their skin and furthers the burden of the apathetic among us.
They say “anger is fear” this is a simple concept but perhaps it is time to get a grip on our fear and find Faith…
Faith can come in all forms and it should be allowed to be kept indeed private to those who wish it be. It should also be allowed to be sung strongly by those that have found a voice.
Faith can overcome apathy and everything apathy spawns, I have witnessed it myself in my own life.
It is a relentless pursuit, overcoming apathy…the mightiest tool of all I have found to attempt to wage this PEACE filled war between "good and evil" is JOY.
Faith bestowed must be honored for me and so I do honor my creator with the Joy that permeates my soul and my skin…at times I must dance simply because the Joy pushes my body into a rhythm that I can not, will not resist.
Panic can cause devastation like no other…
Panic weakens and paralyzes so that forward motion becomes an enigma. What ignites panic? Drama, pain and again that biggee, FEAR…
Where there is Faith, there is NO fear…where this is no fear the possibilities become endless. The Joy’s eventually begin to trip over each other yet we laugh as their momentum builds as we are reminded of the origin. Faith begets Faith…how lovely, how natural.