Off in the distance I see small headlights, barely a glint...I was called to the window here on my island by the cackle of a crow at just before midnight. It was over my shoulder as I sat to write...My brother, Donny since passing over, drops reminders often if I ask, crows and songs mostly will delight my heart time and time again. It has been this way since a month or less after he made his way home. He is at peace, I know this with conviction.
Sacred, this Life. Never have I felt so vulnerable or pained before and I stumble to pray often now. I feel as though I have laid my heart before the Lord bloody and battered. Never before have I been in a place where I have been called upon to show 100% pure Faith, never. I am rigid and aching inside at the deafening and twisted irony that has been handed down.
I Love you God with all my heart, I pray for your mercy and with great humility for a miracle. Great Love is loving someone more than you love yourself and have that mirrored back to you...God's Unity is celebrated daily, hour by hour. "As it was in the beginning it will be in the end"
I shall trust your will as I know you are a just and loving God.