Is it having put Africa on a shelf all this time? I don't know for sure but my heart says yes, possibly. Will I get to Africa at all may be the bigger question. I know the answer to be "IF that is where HE wants me"
I can say that knowing it is not a cop out or something that brings guilt and shame as it would have at one time.
No, I have learned far too much from this incredibly painful few years to attach any shame to my action or in this case inaction.
God told me ahead of time my husband was sick, he sent me forth onto my path with strength and conviction...even acceptance.
How we loved! We loved as if there would be no tomorrow because we both knew eventually the tomorrows would end.
It is time now for me to tenderly close that book and take my cherished memories and truths forth to a new frontier...he has given me the nod.
My fear has dissipated and it is time for action, as bold a statement as that is, the move will be even bolder. Wish me Godspeed on my journey if you will by closing your eyes just for a second. If you knew how often I do it for you from the love in my heart. It feels good to be back...thank you all for hanging in there with me
In Love and Light,