Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spiritual Warfare...

In reading the story I just posted I was struck by the recurring theme to this child's entire life...Every time in her young mind and heart she saw the "end" coming there was an angel put upon her path. The word of God was held up every step of the way.
Was there suffering, was there strife, yes most definitely...and yet this small child received a message from her earthly Father, keep going..don't stop! When her earthly father left her father in heaven whom had been with them along, stepped in to pick her up yet again.
When she could not bring herself to move another step with her sore and battered feet an angel arrived repeatedly right on queue each and every time.
Could the Lord have created a better witness? It is my hope and my feeling that this young woman will go on to touch many, many lives.
Once again today the Lord has inspired me.
He has taken away any of the blurriness that tries to creep in when I am hurt or wronged while trying to live in the glory of my God lit from the inside because of his love for me.
This world we live in has become so harsh and people cut each other to the quick with the tongue of a serpent at seemingly no provocation.
This same world would much prefer to ignore the truth, that society as we have recreated it has become glaringly ugly. You see with that truth comes responsibility and many people have already fallen victim to this new wave of hatred. For so many it is actually a comfort zone a great hiding place.
There are days and they become more and more frequent that I want to leave today for Africa rather than be around all this hostility when there are children and mothers in Africa that struggle for food or clean water.
I think of the whining I hear about the dread of being "stuck" with their children during Summer vacation when there are woman in the world crying out to God as their child dies in their arms...
The "civilized world" threatens to make me spiritually sick if I allow it. Today I will spend a day in quiet reflection of how to best manage this daily issue. When I get out my well worn Bible and read it it is generally within seconds I am enveloped in all that I know to be true and renewed yet again by all of God's promises to us. My personal relationship with him restores any peace that has been trampled upon.
Tonight I will pray for the mean and the angry and those filled with FEAR masked as hatred as I pray for those near and dear to me.
We are all one...spread the word, the world is in dire need of spiritual warriors.
I wish you peace and courage always~
mimi nakupenda,
Acts 18:9-10, "Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you

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