"When it feels as if your world is falling apart, know at your core that you are a strong being of light"
This beautiful sentence moved me to write at this particular moment in time. All day my beloved words dance amongst the squirrel on the wire to the shrill pitch of an ambulance, they call to me. Truth is.. they own me the way a child within your womb owns you, in a magical way.
Spiritual or personal Growth is hard work, it demands your presence twenty four seven. Once I committed myself to it I had passed into a land of no "in between"...there was only truth as raw and as naked as it may prove to be. It, along with Love became at once my task master and my Bliss...
A chaotic pull on my peace of mind had begun to rub like the leather of a cheap sandal at my skin and I needed to go inward a bit. Inward for me has been to re-travel many a road, perhaps in more ways than one...
For me, I know deep in my heart and soul there will be redemption...
I pray with 100% Faith in this God that I love and trust, this God that has never forsaken me although I have at times accused him of such... I may even find deep peace while I travel about my journey in this vehicle, never forgetting what a sacred gift I have been given.
So squander not your moments...love with all your heart, pull to one another in solidarity as a member of the human race.
Always remember we are ONE... Respect this and be brave as you fight your spiritual battles amidst the chaos of a twisted time on earth.
A time where so many sit transfixed for hours before a television screen for longer periods of time than we show up for our lives...
Dig deep, Man up and Speak your truths, make them known. If there is a call, step up...write, speak, read, celebrate, create the unimaginable around you and within you, it is your right, it is your privilege.
I want you all to know the companionship of humble, wise and nurturing people has reinforced a lifetime commitment to my writing and gets me through many a dark night.
I am always aware and so often deeply moved by those of you of which I speak.
Know every joy I celebrate I celebrate for us all. Every fall I experience is buffered by the cushion of your compassion and never ending kindness.
The Lord is {again,I speak for me...I have no desire to force my beliefs upon anyone} the beginning and the end and certainly my navigator in between, I walk with him.
The rewards of what my my faith asks of me ,coupled with my thirst for a deeper knowledge of who I have become and who I seek to become in the future are beyond what I could have dreamt and yet they are not...I worked hard to have every "knot" dissolve within my soul, to lay every foundation on which to build...
I even expect as many of you already know if you know me that I will find myself immersed in Africa, fighting for the "hopeless" one day to help prove there is no such thing. I am hardly a pioneer, I am only a foot soldier...I am yet one voice. Hear it or dismiss it...
You are my friend, you are my witness and you are my "Tribe member" stay with me and share your stories as you hopefully feel moved to...
I wish you Love and I wish you peace...I wish you the courage of your convictions.
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