Wednesday, May 27, 2009

SWAHILI word of the day with Madison and I....

Ndege... is... bird
pronounced nnday geh
Remember, practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


There are many days like today where I find myself wandering off again in my Africa.
It has become so easy to do and it brings with it a peace and a sense of self confidence that had not been an abundant resource until I made the decision to follow my calling. It is simply part of me today as it was yesterday... as is Africa somehow.
As I have mentioned before I am aware of how hard this work will be but I stand firm in my belief the Lord will provide the strength I need if and when my step falters. The mission is mine, it is now at the core of my being. As a child I knew I would do has come up again and again throughout my life and left me with a deep sense of longing each and every time.
There was a vast gaping hole deep inside that I could not fill. I spent 40 some odd years trying...
My children have been and will always be a very big part of me and have taught me love. With the exception of Madison they are grown now and off to their own adventures as they define them and then redefine them as we all do. They are strong and filled with character, my pride in them is respect profound. It is my deep hope that they will be proud that their momma has found her way finally to her soul's desire, her purpose. Perhaps in the beginning it will be incomprehensible to them as it may be to others. Hopefully with time they will come to understand and respect that it is the right decision for me and for Madison. The lessons she will learn will be of a magnitude she deserves, she has a thirst that can not be satisfied here.
The time is drawing near for me to step into my new life without reservation and chart my course guided by my Lord, my God. He has been trying to get me to live authentically for a very, very long time and with age has come courage, with sorrow, compassion and with nearly dying, the commitment to live.
It is my soul's purpose and my mission statement to comfort those that have no hope of their own, to assure them that hope is for them too. I am ready to write that on the fine parchment I mentioned in an earlier post. It is my Mission to bring hope to those that have none.
As I ponder here with you my reader, my friend I am becoming more and more attuned to the beautiful but pained Country that I long to touch. We will heal each other Africa and I...
mimi nakupenda!

Monday, May 25, 2009

SWAHILI word of the day with Madison and I...

Asilia means honest
pronounced...Ah see LEE ah
wewe nakupenda!
Malaika and Pesa Malaika~<3

Look at my servant, whom I strengthen...

I have found myself quite preoccupied with a few particular parts of the Bible lately, unable to move away from them and onto something else. This has left me a bit "stuck" or so I thought...What I have come to know is I am never stuck, I am simply not yet privy to awareness. When the awareness comes, I write and then my path will move always does. This repetition is something that has built layer upon layer of FAITH and for that I am so very grateful. The stillness holds so much when we allow ourselves to dissolve into it...for me God is within that quiet space awaiting my questions, waiting for my prayers with the love and the patience of a Father, the Father. Somewhere within my pain and my suffering three years back there was a calling...I was called upon to become a "Heart Servant" for the Lord and there is, for me no turning back. When I have tried I am met with firm resistance. Now I celebrate this inescapable truth, this choice every day and pray for his guidance, this as I have said is not a solitary task. There are many set backs that come with such a privilege as this, much resistance from many and a lack of understanding on the part of most. I is becoming more and more apparent that I have chosen the path of a Spiritual Warrior. This does not fare well even as most of society readily admits we have become a greed driven race bent on self destruction. "Africa"??... or just a dazed expression is a bit of what I have seen and heard ....when in reality I am the sanest I have ever been. Africa for most must conjure up a vision of me dragging my child through the dusty dirt to our mud hut while she eats fireants to stay alive...Yes, there certainly is this kind of reality and far worse IN Africa. Yet despite this I have not lost my mind, I am still "me"...only better, wiser and stronger.
No, I am not foolish and reckless enough to take my child that is of my very own womb into a part of Africa that is that totally ravaged and volatile. If I choose to be a part of that it will be when my daughter is on her own, an independent adult as are my other children now.
There are cities in Africa and small villages that are in dire need of help and support but where my daughter will be safe.
In allowing Gods words to run like a river from the elusive portals of my mind to my very heart and soul the bond becomes more solid every day. The commitment eclipses most everything now. Rest assured not safety.
It is my firm belief that I was saved so that I would understand sacrifice with great Love in my heart for the well being of those that have no hope, I was given hope so that I may share that wealth as a Christian and as a human being, without fear. For where there is Faith there is no fear. My comfort comes from the words of the Bible and also from much Wisdom passed down through the ages for I realize I will be doing the Lords bidding in Africa. I will come up against many an atrocity and much that tries to wear me down in the battle between good and evil. I will not falter for I have been pulled from the very pit of despair to fight against inequity. mimi nakupenda! Malaika~ "Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119;105

Friday, May 22, 2009

Swahili Word of the Day with Madison and I...

Faith is.....Imani
pronounced- ee mahn ee
wewe nakupenda!
Malaika & pesa Malaika

ONE person CAN make a difference...ONE person matters

If so inclined please consider making this small donation through this link to provide effective netting for pregnant Women and for children in Africa...
It was not in my plan to post these types of things regularly BUT I do believe as I get further and further into my research there are issues like this that I will feel compelled to bring to the forefront for anyone that is not aware...
In prayer and in hope,
God bless us all

Thursday, May 21, 2009

WAKE UP CALL...MALARIA is NOT a thing of the past!

24 people were good enough to look at this link on youtube....perhaps because there was no music? I am outraged and hopefully you are too...
Oh and by the way, NOBODY left a comment

Champions of Peace...

On October 2 1976 as Mother Teresa laid the founding stone at the Institute for Ghandhian Studies in Allahbad she said these words...
"Make us worthy, Lord
to serve our fellow men throughout the world
Who live and die in Poverty and Hunger; Give
them through our hands this day our daily bread
and by understanding love, give Peace and Joy"
There are of course many, many quote by Gandhi
that are repeated and millions of times over but some
of those not repeated as often are every bit as valuable...
"He who serves the poor serves god"
is a favorite...


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Africa's forgotten child...

The news is not good today from Africa. The growing number of people displaced by conflict and natural disaster in Central and East Africa is now at more than 11 million according to the U.N The rising numbers are a direct result of attacks on civilians in the Congo (DRC), Resistance Army rebel fighters, and from the never ending anguish in Somalia and Sudan. The latter accounts for the largest portion, with over 4 million displaced, while the Congo and Somalia both have more than 1.3 million displaced people each, the U.N. said. There are displaced people all over Africa they include Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda.
The countries hosting the largest numbers of refugees in the region are Chad, Kenya, Sudan and Tanzania. . Displacement in the region has been triggered mainly by inter-state conflicts and to a lesser extent, by natural disasters such as floods and droughts.
Yes, this news, these numbers are staggering and discouraging...what does that mean? What it means to me is that time is of the essence and people need help in so many ways. No we can not help everyone but we can help some. I have been called to action and I will take action, I will not turn my back on people that don't even know me yet but believe I am coming to help them because God has planted that hope in their hearts.
I harbour no illusions, I am not an army but perhaps I can help create one big enough to get in there and get some things accomplished. I am strong, I am healthy, I am in my Lords armour and I will not back down. Please pray for Africa before you get into your soft bed tonight as will I...
Maji drips from my eyes...
Mimi nakupenda,

We are all beautiful...for beauty is In-nate~

SWAHILI Word of the Day with Madison and I...

MAJI means Water...
The single most valuable and elusive commodity in Africa, MAJI is an important word...
wewe nakupenda! Malaika & pesa Malaika~

The Children...

I usually write at night when it is still and I hear only the sound of my thoughts. Today feels very different for today I am filled with the love of the Holy Spirit and am bursting at the seams...
Our Loving Father has shown me in so many ways that I must push onward and lay the groundwork for this very important mission I am on. The responses from this Blog whether on the blog itself or by phone have moved me profoundly, Thank you or shall I say asante...
Faith is a beautiful and powerful thing and I wish I could give it to those that need it but as we all know it is a solitary journey, our road to faith. What I can do is pray and I do.
There is much to be done and yet I don't feel anxious or worried, I feel "guided" and absolutely no sense of being hurried. I spent a lifetime worrying about everything and forcing things into what I thought was their place. What a gift to trust that everything will happen in it's own time, all I need to do is SHOW UP for my life. Yes, there are school arrangements to be finished, there are tests to take, there are tons of details to be addressed in preparation for this radical life change I am very aware of the enormity of this task. Yet, I breathe easily and go about addressing one thing at a time knowing my path has already been paved.
There is such joy in my home now, it is palpable. We talk in our new language as much as possible with our still limited knowledge of this foreign tongue. We sing, we dance, we laugh...we imagine.
God validates my purpose many times a day in funny little ways that I fully recognize!
The beautiful video I posted today of Tanzanian children singing "Our God is an awesome God" was stumbled on completely by accident as it was on the tail end of the one I went in search of...I thought I was hearing things when I heard it in the background as I loaded the original version onto this Blog. but no, when I minimized the screen there in all their glory were those delightful Tanzanian children whose voices I have come to recognize. It is quite lovely, I hope you watch, listen and enjoy!
mimi nakupenda,

So beautiful...these children given safety and love, GLOW with Gods love

she considers these children her soon to be friends...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

See what can be done when our spirit's are moved...

This was done in "real time unison" around the WORLD...Praise The Lord!
Thank you Jeffrey for the contribution

I stand corrected...Swahili it seems, varies

Now that we have all learned to say "I love you" in Swahili we must seems there are variations of Swahili and YES it can be very confusing! I love you is actually....Mimi Nakupenda Pronounced "Mee mee nah koo pen dah" Nakupenda by itself may be paired with a person's name such as "Nakupenda Paula" meaning "I love you Paula" I too am learning right along with you, don't give up! It is a beautiful language, full of heart <3 If you are coming aboard as of're all set! {I believe :)}

SWAHILI word of the day with Madison and I...

The word of the day is of course: Rafiki...meaning friend
Pronunciation is Rah-fee-kee~
wewe Nakupenda,
Malaika & Pesa Malaika


I stumbled upon an amazing TEAM that is helping provide so many things we as Americans take for granted from toiletries and clothing to brand new Bicycles! I think of the boy in Rwanda riding his wooden bike that he hand carved and assembled and wish I could ask them to include him...He did seem quite proud and happy with his bike though... as he should be. I will try to post the links of more info on these 2 wonderful organizations at a later point after I have done more research! Glory to God for motivating these hard working individuals that did this hard work for these deserving people. Mimi-nakapenda! Malaika~

We are his children, not separate but together

There is such beauty in the way our God works, it leaves me breathless many the day.
I received a much unexpected call this morning before I was fully awake really. I nearly didn't answer but I was moved to with a true urgency in the last few seconds...
My Ex-husband passed away last year in a very sad and needless way leaving so much pain for those who loved him.
His Mother called me, it was her on the line. He and I had a child together and I love that child, now a woman, very much.
My former Mother in law is not yet a Christian and had been very mean to me at times. She had also been very kind to me.
I choose to remember the kindness and forgive the other, I do not judge therefor I forgive. It is not my place to judge*and what purpose could that possibly serve except to cause even more pain. We are ALL imperfect as the Lord reminds us.
All I hear when I speak to her is her heart and her heart is broken. It is against the natural order of things for a Mother to bury a child, anyone knows this. I watched my own Mother suffer this agony at the loss of my brother. I remember the wailing all too well.
This is an issue that binds us at our core, we all instinctively know the natural order of things. As I spoke to her I realized she was seeking me out in her time of grief as I had told her she should at his wake.
What I felt was a privilege bestowed upon me from God to be a witness for another Mother's unparalleled grief. I felt along with her a sadness a bond that is nearly indescribable...yes I helped her to preserve what she had had with her son with any of the harsh truths not belonging anymore.
My love for my children is second only to my love for the Lord leaving me unable to comprehend her suffering.
She spoke of his artistic talent, which was sadly so sidestepped in life. I now know what was pouring from his hands was God given and purposeful, it could have made a was that good. It was as if he could capture a soul on canvas and yet not reach his own.
Having never found God the talent became a curse I am sure for the connection was never made by him which subsequently left his talent to cry out to his soul. We can not escape the inequity of our inability to dig in and search for the truth that lies within us.
It is my hope he made his way to heaven but our scripture tells us different. This saddens me.
As I spoke to her and told her I had to believe he is at peace, It brought an inner struggle I do not like. I have to trust my Faith in the Lord will help me with this during my journey. my heart of hearts tells me he has arrived to total love and outstretched arms.
I have forsaken much making the stand I make and I will at times be misunderstood or even hated especially in parts of Africa. This is a stand I am ready to take for my beloved Father, Father of us all.
Looking back perhaps the Lord was challenging me to minister with compassion and love in my heart, with the hope that the Lord may see fit to use me and give this beautiful yet broken woman cause to search amidst her grief ? A mirror for her to look into as many, especially Devon and Herman have been for me. I did after all find God through MY grief...we are no different her and I. I ask that you pray for her if you would.
I expect God will continue to test and challenge me, make me fit for this undertaking that lay before me, it is a formidable task. I take it on with a fire in my heart. Together we will make a bonfire for our Lord~
"Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measures you use in judging others. It will be used to measure how you are judged, And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a plank in your own?"
Matthew 7:1-3

Monday, May 18, 2009

SWAHILI WORD OF THE DAY with Madison and I...

Thank you is... asante
pronounced ~Ah-sahn-tay Have fun and remember...
wewe nakupenda! Love & Light, Malaika & Pesa Malaika~

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I take Joy in doing your will, my God for your law is written on my heart

I was just reading about Nehemiah "breaking ranks"to go from the safety of his confines to set out into the unknown of the wilds.
He went from serving wine to a king to serving hope to the disheartened.
He was even bold enough to ask for paid leave AND supplies...he knew of his boldness.... as he himself said... he was trembling, yet he received what he needed to accomplish his task. Before any of this however he wept and he fasted calling upon the Lord to give him wisdom and courage when approaching the king.
At each and every step of his journey he called upon God for help. He began and ended his mission with a prayer and prayed all the way through...
Clarifying my "Mission Statement" has been a challenge and a painstaking process for me...I was asked if I would be willing to write it down on expensive parchment and hand it to a wise old Sage...we will revisit this~
I was also asked if I could work carrying a "weapon" reply to this was, I already do. Spiritual Warfare is not for the faint of heart even if you are on the Team of the Almighty...
In closing I am reminded that in Proverbs it warns "If you intend to serve the Lord and follow a high calling, prepare yourself for an ordeal."
My ordeal is my divine path and the Lord shall walk alongside me, I am unafraid as this my path was chosen by soul knows every pebble or grain of sand that we will encounter.
In the silence with a quiet light and simply a stirring of my bunnies slumber I am right with the Lord and will rest for now. There is a Mother Cheetah {Duma}that visits me now in my sleep, she knows I am coming before long and working on making me comfortable at her sight, her smell and even her strong steady gaze...
In Peace, Love & Light always...Mimi-Nakupenda!

Africa's harshest realities and casualties...

I ask you to please watch this as difficult as it may be so that you can in some way be a part of the change. Pray in earnest for the people of Africa and for Humanity...
"You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth" Psalm 71:20

Learn Swahili with Madison and I! Words for the day~

I Love you...mimi nakupenda
pronounced~ mee-mee nah-KOO-pen-da

Practice makes perfect~

Malaika & pesa Malaika~

Daily "mindset" for's stunning...Enjoy!

Let their smiles ignite your heart and remind you there is always HOPE...

PLEASE take a moment and watch this, it will change you if even a bit...

Love is all there is...

It is a lovely yet rainy Sunday morning in the city where I live, I smell the last of the white flowers through the nearby window. In my head all I can hear is a favorite verse from my bible..."As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord" how at home I am with this. Service is, I realize something I have done my entire life without definition...the realization brings a smile to my lips and a tear to my eye. God has been trying to get my attention for a very long time. I prayed last night for discipline...I will need it to complete my preparations for our actual trip. It will take more than my wild determination and my fiery passion to bring all this together as a Viable plan. It has been 32 years since I have been in school, that is a long time and I feel a bit anxious at times thinking about it. I remind myself again and again...GOD brought this to me and I can and will, with his help do what needs to be done. It is wonderful to allow myself to slip off into Africa in my mind to feel the warmth and see the colors of the sunset and the magnificent Maasai standing watch over their cattle as they have done forever in time. I can hear the music indigenous to Tanzania and it's people and I can hear the laughter of the children in the I slip away for a few stolen moments in time. Yes, part of me is already there and my free hours are often spent now in study of the culture and needs of this place I yearn to call home. I do not ignore the fact that there is much heartache to be had in this land of my dreams for that is where my purpose pulls the picture together. I accept all of that with a wide open heart that promises to never run out of room due to God's grace. God has a plan for me, he will bring it to me step by step...
In Love & Light always,
Malaika~ ~*~ Commit your work to the Lord-and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3~*~

My God given Purpose...

I have a foot in Africa  ...I do believe in my soul.
At the age of 48 after stating my purpose OUT LOUD to nearly everyone that loves me, I shall never abandon what I now know to be my destiny. I sing in Swahili now beautiful and familiar it sounds and feels. There is a longing that is now taking place...
Please journey with me on this untraveled road with the ultimate Guide, our Lord Jesus Christ, for nothing can happen without his direction is my belief...
I welcome your support, input, feedback, knowledge and I sincerely invite you to be a witness as my path becomes clearer in the coming year or so
every undertaking from here on out will be designed by him as it has been since the beginning. I have heeded his call, I can barely contain my joy and excitement along with my gratitude so I will channel it into the groundwork that marks the beginning of my TRUEST endeavor.
My PURPOSE is constantly clarified and reaffirmed through prayer and through witnesses, I thank the Good Lord for this humbling and beautiful privilege.
I will sign off after this very first entry with My new Swahili name I will bring it with me to Africa, In Peace Love and Light....his humble servant,
"Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out"! Psalm 107;2
~*~And you will hear a voice behind you, saying "This is the PATH walk ye in it." ISAIAH 30:21