Sunday, May 17, 2009

Love is all there is...

It is a lovely yet rainy Sunday morning in the city where I live, I smell the last of the white flowers through the nearby window. In my head all I can hear is a favorite verse from my bible..."As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord" how at home I am with this. Service is, I realize something I have done my entire life without definition...the realization brings a smile to my lips and a tear to my eye. God has been trying to get my attention for a very long time. I prayed last night for discipline...I will need it to complete my preparations for our actual trip. It will take more than my wild determination and my fiery passion to bring all this together as a Viable plan. It has been 32 years since I have been in school, that is a long time and I feel a bit anxious at times thinking about it. I remind myself again and again...GOD brought this to me and I can and will, with his help do what needs to be done. It is wonderful to allow myself to slip off into Africa in my mind to feel the warmth and see the colors of the sunset and the magnificent Maasai standing watch over their cattle as they have done forever in time. I can hear the music indigenous to Tanzania and it's people and I can hear the laughter of the children in the I slip away for a few stolen moments in time. Yes, part of me is already there and my free hours are often spent now in study of the culture and needs of this place I yearn to call home. I do not ignore the fact that there is much heartache to be had in this land of my dreams for that is where my purpose pulls the picture together. I accept all of that with a wide open heart that promises to never run out of room due to God's grace. God has a plan for me, he will bring it to me step by step...
In Love & Light always,
Malaika~ ~*~ Commit your work to the Lord-and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3~*~


  1. Hey Sunshine Malaika~
    YOU and your words are a beautiful gift to the world... I love to read your writing, it opens my heart and my mind to more possibilities.
    Keep up the great work, it is in your LIFE PLAN to write and teach!
    Absolutely beautiful!

  2. Lovely Paula,

    You too are a "Malaika", we are to become a band of them I am convinced. Never have I felt so "full up". There is much gratifying and necessary work to be done in his name.
    With our Lord, the possibilities are endless and the capacity of our hearts greatened. Pray big!
    We are one...

