Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We are his children, not separate but together

There is such beauty in the way our God works, it leaves me breathless many the day.
I received a much unexpected call this morning before I was fully awake really. I nearly didn't answer but I was moved to with a true urgency in the last few seconds...
My Ex-husband passed away last year in a very sad and needless way leaving so much pain for those who loved him.
His Mother called me, it was her on the line. He and I had a child together and I love that child, now a woman, very much.
My former Mother in law is not yet a Christian and had been very mean to me at times. She had also been very kind to me.
I choose to remember the kindness and forgive the other, I do not judge therefor I forgive. It is not my place to judge*and what purpose could that possibly serve except to cause even more pain. We are ALL imperfect as the Lord reminds us.
All I hear when I speak to her is her heart and her heart is broken. It is against the natural order of things for a Mother to bury a child, anyone knows this. I watched my own Mother suffer this agony at the loss of my brother. I remember the wailing all too well.
This is an issue that binds us at our core, we all instinctively know the natural order of things. As I spoke to her I realized she was seeking me out in her time of grief as I had told her she should at his wake.
What I felt was a privilege bestowed upon me from God to be a witness for another Mother's unparalleled grief. I felt along with her a sadness a bond that is nearly indescribable...yes I helped her to preserve what she had had with her son with any of the harsh truths not belonging anymore.
My love for my children is second only to my love for the Lord leaving me unable to comprehend her suffering.
She spoke of his artistic talent, which was sadly so sidestepped in life. I now know what was pouring from his hands was God given and purposeful, it could have made a difference...it was that good. It was as if he could capture a soul on canvas and yet not reach his own.
Having never found God the talent became a curse I am sure for the connection was never made by him which subsequently left his talent to cry out to his soul. We can not escape the inequity of our inability to dig in and search for the truth that lies within us.
It is my hope he made his way to heaven but our scripture tells us different. This saddens me.
As I spoke to her and told her I had to believe he is at peace, It brought an inner struggle I do not like. I have to trust my Faith in the Lord will help me with this during my journey. my heart of hearts tells me he has arrived to total love and outstretched arms.
I have forsaken much making the stand I make and I will at times be misunderstood or even hated especially in parts of Africa. This is a stand I am ready to take for my beloved Father, Father of us all.
Looking back perhaps the Lord was challenging me to minister with compassion and love in my heart, with the hope that the Lord may see fit to use me and give this beautiful yet broken woman cause to search amidst her grief ? A mirror for her to look into as many, especially Devon and Herman have been for me. I did after all find God through MY grief...we are no different her and I. I ask that you pray for her if you would.
I expect God will continue to test and challenge me, make me fit for this undertaking that lay before me, it is a formidable task. I take it on with a fire in my heart. Together we will make a bonfire for our Lord~
"Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measures you use in judging others. It will be used to measure how you are judged, And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a plank in your own?"
Matthew 7:1-3

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