Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Children...

I usually write at night when it is still and I hear only the sound of my thoughts. Today feels very different for today I am filled with the love of the Holy Spirit and am bursting at the seams...
Our Loving Father has shown me in so many ways that I must push onward and lay the groundwork for this very important mission I am on. The responses from this Blog whether on the blog itself or by phone have moved me profoundly, Thank you or shall I say asante...
Faith is a beautiful and powerful thing and I wish I could give it to those that need it but as we all know it is a solitary journey, our road to faith. What I can do is pray and I do.
There is much to be done and yet I don't feel anxious or worried, I feel "guided" and absolutely no sense of being hurried. I spent a lifetime worrying about everything and forcing things into what I thought was their place. What a gift to trust that everything will happen in it's own time, all I need to do is SHOW UP for my life. Yes, there are school arrangements to be finished, there are tests to take, there are tons of details to be addressed in preparation for this radical life change I am very aware of the enormity of this task. Yet, I breathe easily and go about addressing one thing at a time knowing my path has already been paved.
There is such joy in my home now, it is palpable. We talk in our new language as much as possible with our still limited knowledge of this foreign tongue. We sing, we dance, we laugh...we imagine.
God validates my purpose many times a day in funny little ways that I fully recognize!
The beautiful video I posted today of Tanzanian children singing "Our God is an awesome God" was stumbled on completely by accident as it was on the tail end of the one I went in search of...I thought I was hearing things when I heard it in the background as I loaded the original version onto this Blog. but no, when I minimized the screen there in all their glory were those delightful Tanzanian children whose voices I have come to recognize. It is quite lovely, I hope you watch, listen and enjoy!
mimi nakupenda,

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